Remote Home Learning
Remote Home Learning
Remote Home Learning
Remote education may be needed if:
1. individual pupils need to self – isolate or
2. in the event of a local lockdown or Bubble closure
We plan to ensure any pupils educated at home are given the support they need to make good progress. This plan has been compiled using government guidance, teacher input and feedback from parents and carers. All home learning will be available through the digital platform Seesaw.
In the event of a full lockdown where the whole class is learning from home, the following remote learning will be provided through Seesaw:
* Suggested weekly timetable.
* Daily registration tasks.
* Daily Maths and English (reading and writing) lessons.
* Weekly spellings, mental maths and handwriting practice.
* Suggestions for regular physical activity.
* Topic lessons.
* Regular story time.
* Individual feedback and support through voice notes, written comments and videos.
Learning will consist of pre-recorded videos by school staff or from quality sources such as White Rose Maths Hub or Oak National Academy, tasks to be completed and where appropriate answers so that pupils’ can self-mark their work.
The work provided will be in line with the National Curriculum and follow the progression of learning children have been following in school and can all be completed in a variety of ways and then uploaded to the children’s Seesaw journals.
In addition, each class will be invited to a weekly class assembly hosted on Zoom. This will provide an opportunity to share and celebrate success and effort as well as provide whole class feedback and promote togetherness and a sense of community.
Children also continue to have access to Mathletics and TT Rock Stars, and will be directed to other useful websites to support their learning.
If your child is self- isolating:
You can access the class topic plan on the school’s home learning section of the school website with a section of Home Learning activities which can be accessed at any time. In addition, the class teacher will provide tasks through Seesaw that can be completed and added to your child’s journal. These tasks will enable your child to stay ‘on-track’ with the learning taking place in school during their absence.
Pupils in EYFS:
All home learning for pupils in EYFS will be provided through Tapestry. This will include:
* Short videos by the class teacher.
* Learning challenges.
* Stories and songs.
* Games to play at home
What are the minimum learning expectations for pupils during this time?
We realise that many parents may be facing the challenge of balancing working from home, running a household and parenting more than one child whilst home schooling. It is a government requirement that we provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum for pupils at home and we would encourage parents to give their children the opportunity to complete as much of this as possible. However, we also realise that this level of home schooling will
simply not be possible for some parents. With that in mind, we have set out some ‘minimum requirements’ that will prevent your child from falling behind with the core aspects of the curriculum.
As a minimum, we expect KS1 pupils to engage with 3 hours of learning per day which is likely to include the following:
* Daily reading.
* Daily maths lesson.
* Daily English lesson.
* Phonics
* Daily non-core lesson.
As a minimum, we expect KS2 pupils to engage with 4 hours of learning per day which is likely to include the following:
* Daily reading lesson.
* Daily maths lesson.
* Daily English lesson.
* Daily non-core lesson/s.
* Regular spelling, mental maths and handwriting practice.
It is not our expectation that this takes place in one go or at a particular time. Children should be encouraged to take regular breaks and can complete some work away from the screen. Work completed on paper can always be photographed and uploaded.
How can my child submit work and communicate with their class teacher?
Seesaw enables children to submit tasks/assignments to their class teacher. These tasks can be completed using the many tools available on Seesaw itself or they can be completed away from the screen and then photographed and uploaded. Using the communication features on Seesaw, children will then be able to participate in two-way feedback regarding their work.
What support will be available?
You can use the email address to contact your child’s class teacher with any queries you may have. You can also request a phone call from your child’s class teacher if you would like to discuss anything further.
If you require pastoral support, you can contact the pastoral team on
School staff will ensure that all families receive at least one phone call from school in the event of a local lockdown.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs:
We recognise that some pupils who have special educational needs may need additional support and/or differentiation to access the curriculum from home. Our Special Needs Co-ordinator will work with class teachers and parents to adjust home learning provision to best meet the needs of these pupils.
How can we continue to be part of the school community?
The best way to engage in the school community is to ensure that your child regularly submits learning.
In addition to this, in the event of a local lockdown, we will also:
* Deliver, record and share a weekly assembly.
* Award weekly ‘Star Certificates’ to two children in each class. These certificates may be awarded for overall engagement with home learning or for a specific piece of work. If your child is self-isolating but continuing to complete home learning, they will still be considered for the weekly certificates alongside the children in school.
* Share messages of support and encouragement on social media.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding remote education, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would like to take another opportunity to say a huge thank you for all your support with home learning, it is invaluable to your child’s education and we are incredibly grateful.