Our School Council
School Council
Hawksworth Wood Primary School School Council
Click here for further information about our School Council
Our Purpose
We are the voice of the pupils. We aim:
- To get things done to help our school and community to be better places.
- To find ways to improve our school.
- To raise funds for the school.
- To give every pupil a voice and to make all decision making fair.
The School Council is made up of representatives from Years 2 – 6. Reception Class and Year 1 have the opportunity to give their views in Class Council time run by representatives from Years 2-6.
School Council
School Council meets regularly to discuss ideas and suggestions, decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school, and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen. School Council shares news and information about new initiatives and things which have been achieved in Class Council Time, Whole School Assembly, on the School Council Notice board, or via the school website /Twitter account.
Class Council Time
In Class Council time, we share and discuss ideas for ways to improve our school. The School Council representatives for each class from Year 2-Year 6 record ideas and suggestions in the Class Council time to discuss in the next School Council meeting.
Our Contract
All School Council representatives agree to uphold the values and ethos of the school and School Council by signing the following contract at the start of their tenure:
As a School Councillor at Hawksworth Wood Primary School I will try my best to:
- Attend every School Council meeting as required.
- Be punctual to School Council meetings.
- Attend any extra School Council meetings as required.
- Listen to and act upon the views of others in the school and in our local community.
- Provide clear and up-to-date feedback to my class (and the whole school when required).
- Follow the constitution of the School Council.
- Speak to the School Council Lead Teacher as soon as possible if I have any problems or concerns.
What have we done so far this academic year?
In the Autumn Term 2019:
New school council reps were elected and announced in whole school assembly.
An extraordinary meeting of the School Council was called to prepare the school’s contribution to the Hawks worth Wood Memorial Event.
In our Inaugural meeting of the School Council:
- Our constitution was discussed and agreed
- School Council Rep contracts were signed!
- Key roles within School Council were discussed, voted upon and adopted:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary (who will complete the meeting minutes for each meeting)
- Treasurer
School Council led the competition to design a logo for the Friendship Stop and judged the entries received.
School Council reps led Class Council Time in each class to discuss concerns and take suggestions from classmates on how to improve the school.
What are we going to do next?
- Whole school suggestion box to be installed!
- We will be discussing ideas from Class Council time and deciding upon possible projects to put forward for approval for the remainder of the school year – watch this space!