SEND – Special Educational Needs & Disability

At Hawksworth Wood Primary School, every child is welcomed. We are committed to being a fully inclusive school where every child is treated fairly, equitably and with respect. By working in partnership with our children, families and partner agencies we ensure all our children access all areas of the curriculum and wider school life.  

Within school we monitor children’s development and progress closely to identify if any additional support is needed beyond the high quality, universal offer in place. Where support is needed, small group interventions or 1:1 support strategies are implemented. For some pupils individualised SEND Plans are used to target additional support. 

At Hawksworth Wood Primary School, we have a small group learning class which supports the needs of a number of our pupils across school to access individualised learning pathways. 

As part of our graduated approach, our Inclusion Team work closely with a range of external professionals, such as NHS speech and Language Service, Leeds Children’s Complex Needs Service, NHS Physiotherapy Team, NHS Occupational Therapy and STARS (Specialist Teachers Autism Response Service). School also invest in private educational psychology services and traded speech and language therapy to ensure our pupils have access to these specialist services in a timely manner.  

If you would like to discuss the needs of your child, please contact either Sarah Russell (Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and SENDCo) or Hannah Tidman (Deputy SENDCo) via the school office.