Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview
Our carefully designed curriculum provides our children with high quality and creative, learning experiences that prepare them both academically and socially to have successful futures.
Our school curriculum drivers weave through the entire curriculum and are at the heart of all learning experiences in and outside of the classroom. Together with our expectation that teaching strives to always be excellent, our enquiry led curriculum and skilled staff, ensure that we maintain excellent educational standards for our children.
A Curriculum newsletter is provided each term. Please ask your child’s class teacher if you have any further questions about the curriculum content. We are happy to discuss this with you.
Our curriculum intention is to:
- Improve vocabulary knowledge and language skills; reduce identified language gaps so that children achieve good standards in language and literacy and thereby promote deeper learning across other areas of the curriculum.
- Through discussion, debate and first-hand experience, broaden children’s horizons and develop creative/critical thinking.
- Maximise the potential of all pupils , including disadvantaged, EAL, SEND and academically able pupils
- Instil good social skills and emotional wellbeing to enable our children to have healthy, respectful relationships and make good decisions and choices.
- Embrace varying viewpoints and different beliefs, enabling children to have respect for themselves and others; to live and work co-operatively with others.
- Develop in our children our school values: Aspiration, Curiosity, Independence, Respect and Resilience.
- Ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced from Reception to Year 6.
- Offer our pupils new and exciting experiences through extra-curricular activities and enrichment activities
- Prepare children for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for their next phase of education and later life.
- Develop inquisitive, reflective thinkers who are engaged and motivated learners.
- Be progressive, transferrable and build on prior skills and learning.
- Fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.